Topple Track (iOS, Web) —
Topple Track is a brand of Symphonic Distribution that aims to protect artist’s music from file sharing websites.
Noiseporn (iOS, tvOS, Roku, Chromecast, Web) —
Noiseporn is an industry-leading music blog providing music fans with the latest news, interviews, music, videos, and more.
GitHawk (iOS) —
GitHawk is an open-source GitHub project manager app for iOS. (contributions)
Bagel Runner (iOS) —
Bagel Runner is an endless runner game.
NetworkImageLoader (Swift Library) —
A bare bones library for downloading and caching images.
Glass (tvOS) —
Glass is a simple timer app that takes advantage of Siri Remote gestures.
History (Alexa Skill) —
History allows you to ask Alexa to retrieve history facts for a given date.
md2pdf (Bash) —
Script that converts a directory of Markdown files to PDFs
JRCheckmarkButton (iOS) —
A button that animates from a plus to checkmark.